Gaalib 2022 NEW MOVIE
Gaalib is a Drama movie. it is the release date on 23rd September 2022. This movie cast is Dipika Chikhlia, Nikhil Pitaley, and others. This movie is directed by Manoj Giri. This movie is based on a true story. The beautiful valley of Kashmir has been suffering from the menace of terrorism since the 90s. Gaalib’s father was found guilty of the attack on the Indian Parliament in Delhi and was sentenced to death. Before dying Gaalib’s father wanted Gaalib to focus his attention only on his studies and not tread the path taken by his father. After his father’s death, Gaalib’s mother starts raising him but even if she wants to do so, she fails to lead him on the right path. But Gaalib’s life reaches a turning point after meeting one of his school’s teachers, who brings an immense change in his life with his positive thinking. Gaalib is highly influenced by him and eventually tops high school exams in the whole of Kashmir.